Landing Page Design

A one page power-punch website designed to attract attention and generate leads.

You know the saying, "You've only got one shot to make a good first impression". This couldn't be more true in the world of Marketing and Advertising. You typically have 30 seconds (or less) to captivate your visitors when they land on your website. We can help you make every second spent on your one-page website count, using efficient design and targeted content strategies to help convert your visitors into customers.

In a world where almost every consumer visits a company's website before committing to a sale, impress your potential customers with a well designed, engaging and memorable website that will surely leave the lasting impression you'd hoped for. Choose us to help you promote a new project, campaign or concept, with a landing page design.

What exaclty is a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone web page and a digital marketing tool specifically created to promote or advertise a concept, campaign or project.  As the name suggests, visitors "land" on this page after clicking on a link from an ad, email or social media.

By design, landing pages have one goal or focus, unlike a full blown website that aims to have visitors explore a variety of pages and information. The success of a landing page has a direct link to its ability to generate leads using a clear call to action - and since there's usually a clickable button telling the visitor exactly what you want them to do, it's pretty hard to mess this one up.

Types of Landing Pages

Although you may come across landing pages that look very different, there are two main types of landing pages which are defined by their goals.


Lead Generation Landing Pages:

You may hear them referred to as Lead Gen or Lead Capture pages because these pages feature a form for the visitor to fill out which in and of itself is a lead that goes directly to the company and collect data such as visitor names and contact information.

We see this type of landing page in B2B marketing as well as B2C marketing as an effective way to build a database of potential customers. In return, it's typical for a company to offer some kind of free service or incentive for visitors to fill out the form such as a free webinar, or ebook. The email lists in particular can be of great value if your company leverages the power of email marketing via web blasts or newsletters.

Clickthrough Landing Pages:

The goal of a Clickthrough landing page is most often used by ecommerce and SaaS (software-as-a-service) marketers and aim for on the spot sales or subscription. These pages typically feature a simple call to action button that sends the visitor into a checkout flow that completes a transaction and or registration for subscription.

Landing Page
Design Projects











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